The Lion’s Den Bar

About the Bar

The Lion’s Den Bar was a personal project from my senior year of college at Tulane University. The inspiration for the name came from a lion painting that was in my backyard when I moved in and a Snapchat geotag dubbing my backyard “The Lion’s Den”. This entire bar was designed by myself using only a notebook and pencil. Most of the construction of this bar was done in my backyard using hand tools. Some of the larger cuts and the laser engraving work were done in the Tulane MakerSpace. I designed and laser engraved the front lion panels as well. The bar has two different countertops. The top and front countertop is the larger of the two and is meant for use by the people sitting at the bar. The bottom and back countertop is meant for use by the bartender. The bones of this bar were made from old wooden pallets that my old boss Eddy Piquet was able to get me access to. All of the wood on this bar was stained and/or sealed to protect it from weather and the elements. The bar has two cabinets, one on either side, each containing two shelves and doors that latch shut with handles made of 3D printed lion statues. There are also two LED light strips on the bottom of the front countertop and right above the bottom countertop that have color-changing capability. I would like to give a lot of credit to my upstairs neighbor Pauli Helm, who helped me a great deal with the construction and beautification of this bar. The dedication you will see below is in honor of her contributions.

The Cabinets

  • The Doors and 3D Printed Lion Handles

    The handles for these cabinets are made of 3D-printed lion statues. I found these 3D models online and 3D printed them. You can also see a fleur de lis bottle opener mounted onto the left side of this cabinet for use by the bartender.

  • The Inside

    The cabinet doors can be secured shut with the gold latch you can see here. When it is undone you can open the cabinet doors exposing the two shelves on the inside.

  • The Inside

    The cabinets on both sides have two shelves inside. One smaller shelf on top for storing glasses and other bar tools and one larger shelf on the bottom that allows room to store larger bottles and other tall items.

Color-Changing LEDs

(and Our Feline Mascot Mo)

  • Light Blue

  • Pink

The Dedication

This is the dedication piece that I input on the back middle part of the bar to pay tribute to those who helped build it. The Symbol on the left is my personal logo that consists of my initials made up of symbols that are meaningful to me. The name on the right refers to my German- Norweigan upstairs neighbor Pauli, who helped me a lot during the making of the bar. This design was laser cut by myself and sealed for protection.

The Coasters

  • The Full Set

    I also designed and made a set of 10 lion-themed coasters to go with the bar. The photo above is the full set of the coasters.

  • A Close Up

    Shown above is a higher-quality close-up photo of just six of the 10 lion-themed coasters.

Below are some more pictures from during and after the construction of the bar.


MAME- High School Senior Project


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